Saturday, July 4, 2009

A new blog start.

I have started anew. Come and be a part of it with me.

Thanks for following me here,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A wise old man

This rockin old man, who is in love with God told me something pretty cool today.

"When we listen, God hears us."

Think about it.
Things like this turn my world around and God speaks in the most unseen places in my life. The way which we are sure life works, is always turned around. God flips it around and rocks our world in the totally unexpected. This man was telling me that when I listen to God, he will answer me. When usually its me thinking I need to jab at God some more to better explain the situation and what is going on. Yet, God hears me when I am following His will, putting His Kingdom first, and listening to His leading in my life. When I listen, or obey God, He makes sense out of it all.

Absolutely beautiful.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Today is one of those days I wish I could hold onto more often. I can hear my own thoughts and feel the weight of my eyelids close slowly. They open like its the first time and I look around. Every image is so clear. Each person I pass has expressions that seem to be larger-than-life. He yawns and you can feel the stress release as he exhales. The teenie boppers giggle, and their heads fling back with life and excitement. The old woman waiting for the bus seems to be frozen in time as she stands crooked in the middle of the street.
Another second passes.
It's as I see it all at once.
And everyone just keeps going.
Its beautiful.
I have a slight grin on my face all day, because as I sit reading my book, looking out the big chicago style window, I am content.

Paul writes in Philippians that he found the secret of being content in every situation. Plenty. Want. He had experienced it all. And yet through Jesus' spirit in him, he was satisfied.

With Jesus' spirit alive in me, in all the countless ways I have plenty, and in all the ways I am in desperate need, I am satisfied.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The past 2-3 months sure did go by. I feel as if that saying alone is a flashback, I sure say that a lot. But I mean it every time, you gotta hold onto every moment you are in, it will pass. Jesus is here and now. Change is now, healing is now, victory is now. Though apparently it's coming in 5-8 years as well. Keep your eye out for it.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

never fails...

Here is the beautiful home God has provided for me for the next 4-5 months before Nick and I get married!

It is a block down the street from my store, a few miles from Westridge, 2 blocks from Nick, and about 3 blocks away from Northeastern! About a week before I had to move out of my dorm, this came about. A friend of a friend had a few extra rooms in her house and is letting me stay there! Rent is really extremely low and it is more than I could've possibly asked for. As you can see I snapped these pictures BEFORE the snow :)

If you need my new address, email me!
I will be here until the Big Day! :)
God is so good.

Shovel Time!

Hello to everyone from snowy Chicago!
In the past few days about 10 inches of snow has been dumped on chi town. Since classes are out right now, I have been working alot before I spend some time in sunny Arizona. I shoveled for the first time yesterday morning at 4 am. This is my store and my beautiful shoveling job.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cali for a Day

Typing this from my favorite place in the home! Yep, Nick and I are about half way through our trip to Arizona. We made a day trip out to Cali so Nick could meet Grandpa and Grandma and some other fam and of course...see the west coast! He had never been before. It was a big blur and way to fast, but we had a blast!